1. How big is the Internet? When did it start? How did it grow? The Internet should arrive at about 50 million users on 5 million different computers sometime in 1995. Today these figures are an estimation, the older figures listed below are more exact because they were smaller and easier to deal with. Today computers go on and off the Internet every day, in the beginning changes were the exception. Several rules of thumb apply to the figures given below: 1. At any given time, perhaps 1% of all computers are on the Internet. Thus there will probably be 500 million computers in 1995. This is certainly likely to change when there are billions of computers. 2. At any given time, perhaps 10 people have accounts on any node. . . thus with 5 million nodes in 1995 there should be 50 million users. This becomes more and more of an inflated estimate as more and more people have multiple accounts. _I_ have NOT accounted for this, at least in my own personal estimates, and many of the figures I would present do NOT tell if they account for anything like this. 3. The later figures are only estimates: For instance, 10/93 2,056,000 Other listing: 11/93 1,977,210 Broken down to US 1,436,750 Europe 496,763 Japan 43,697 So please take all these with at least 1 grain of salt. . . ;-) People always ask when the Internet really took off, and by this chart as well as by my personal experience, it was 1987-1988. Date Hosts ----- --------- 05/69 4 10/69 5 04/71 23 06/74 62 03/77 111 08/81 213 05/82 235 08/83 562 10/84 1,024 10/85 1,961 02/86 2,308 11/86 5,089 12/87 28,174 07/88 33,000 10/88 56,000 01/89 80,000 07/89 130,000 10/89 159,000 10/90 313,000 01/91 376,000 07/91 535,000 10/91 617,000 01/92 727,000 04/92 890,000 07/92 992,000 10/92 1,136,000 01/93 1,313,000 04/93 1,486,000 07/93 1,776,000 10/93 2,056,000 01/94 2,217,000 1995 5,000,000 est 2. Who owns the Internet? The US Government started the Internet, and therefore could have been said to own it. However, we don't own the phone companies, any more than we own the Internet. . .we own our phones, and our computers, but we don't own the actual network. As I understand it, in the US the network now belongs to the phone companies. 3. What do the Internet addresses mean? There are two kinds of Internet address, one is a "name" and the other is an Internet Protocol Number [IP#]: In this case, this message will originate from vmd.cso.uiuc.edu or The sections are reversed in name and number [in the US where we also drive on the other side of the road from some of you]. vmd and 12 are the name and number of the computer I am using. cso and 201 are the name and number of the local subdomain uiuc and 174 are the name and number of the U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign edu and 128 are the name and number of the educational network Other networks endings are: .com = commercial .org = organizations .gov = government .net = network .mil = military You can now get a single permanent email address that will do forwarding to you for your whole life for about $15 per year. Just ask if you want details on this.